< Powerhouse.

We are made up of the awesome 10.
We laugh, you barf, so don't mess with us.
We all belong to the lovely class; 2e1'08 of SCSS.
Breaking lessons with fun,
& the quake that splits the class in total laughter,

(Click for all indivisual information)

No.10 of Powerhouse,
5 May, Swiss Winds, Blue House.

Iggy. (Blog)
No.23 of Powerhouse,
27 Feb, Swiss Soccer Club, Brown House.

No.8 of Powerhouse,
25 Sep, Swiss Soccer Club, Green House.

Kian Hong.
No.7 of Powerhouse,
30 Jul, Basketball, Red House.

No.17 of Powerhouse,
17 Feb, Swiss Winds, Yellow House.

No.9 of Powerhouse,
19 Oct, NCC air, Yellow House.

No.6 of Powerhouse,
1 Sep, Soccer, Brown House.

No.19 of Powerhouse,
9 Aug, Infocomm Club, Green House.

Charmaine. (Blog)
No.16 of Powerhouse,
5 Jul, Swiss Flames, Brown House.

No.11 of Powerhouse,
13 June, Swiss Flames, Brown House.

No.4 of Powerhouse,
14 Apr, Swiss Flames, Blue House.


Spamming is an act of JEALOUSY.


2e1 Amirah Clement Dania Denise Dipikka Jean Pesdy Qihong Rebekah Rieska Ruen Wenqi Wilson Yanteik

Archived Entries:
June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009

Designer: stepup.
Basecodes: %PURPUR.black-
Icons by: Hilary at xanga.com
Colour reference: colourlovers.com
Program used: Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extd.


You're now at: powerhouse-owns.blogspot.com ( visits)

Our friendship has grown so fast,
and I know in my heart that it will last.
You are my inspiration to write,
and my star that gives me light.

Monday, May 18, 2009.
We own, we rock, we're Powerhouse♥ 5:51 PM.

HEY! Exams are over so we can play play play~! Lol after exams=time to play soccer so me jas izzul khairul and alif went to my place the court to play. Surprise surprise look who scored 2 tyco goals~yeah u can guess it its alif lololol....ok that was the only highlight of the day other than khairul slipping haha. So what u guys wanna do? Night at the museum is coming out soon. Wanna watch? We could watch a movie b4 hols and during hols if we go escape. Yeah 360 inverter is up and running so maybe another trip there'll be worth our time, as u can guess how much fun we had the last time. But this time we really hope everyone can make it because it'll be tons of fun! Alif will post later so i'll sign off, bye!

Thursday, May 7, 2009.
We own, we rock, we're Powerhouse♥ 10:09 PM.

Well, a happy belated birthday to our dear leader and also to Candy but we couldn't find your lost pic so we're really sorry. Since we haven't posted in a long while, guess you're gonna need some updates. We're currently in the middle of our examinations and yeah, we're all aiming for 6 points being high acheivers ^^. Also swine flu has broken out( hey, hey). Which brings us to the topic on how we managed to burger alif. Took us the whole recess to take him down; he's a wild one yo! Yeah almost got puked in the face by him lol cos landed on his stomach. Yeah the all acidic chyme will land and disintergrate my face if that were to happen. Also, we might be going to escape again during june, this time we will bring everyone along!! We must take new group photo as well people, our's getting old. Well on a side note mdm choo went to USA for a couple of months and we'll be praying she will be healthy when she's back if not red alert and we'll all be quarantined(not that bad though) lol. Ok so signing off here, good luck for the remainder of the exams and jiayous to all u guys out there!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009.
We own, we rock, we're Powerhouse♥ 11:47 AM.

As you leader i must say...all of you are idiots for tagging stupidity in the tag board. Do your fucking work la. Speech very important. Unless you all throwing in the towel cause you know you cant win me lar. Then thats like a given right?

Olympic ni ma!

Sunday, March 1, 2009.
We own, we rock, we're Powerhouse♥ 11:58 AM.

Happy (Belated) 15th Birthday Iggy!

Awww our 2nd oldest pwh member!
Happy Birthday! I wished multiple times lah! :D

Hope we can celebrate it w/ the pwh birthday! AND ALSO HOWARD'S!
But he in msia cannot make it right? :'(

Sunday, February 22, 2009.
We own, we rock, we're Powerhouse♥ 8:00 PM.

Happy Belated Birthday Howard!!

So, our first Powerhouse member turns 15! How does it feel to be oldest among us? Yeah, the designer of our Powerhouse shirts and can you imagine he is from across the causeway?! Enough said, he has been funny at times(in addition to being gay with kh) and everyone misses the times when he was with us. We had great times, but sadly, because of his malaysia home, he could not join us for our outing. No fear, we'll be having one very soon. Hope you had a good birthday Howard, come and tag more often den u can get to see this marvelous post about u ^^

Wednesday, February 11, 2009.
We own, we rock, we're Powerhouse♥ 7:25 PM.


One,two years past with ever-exuberant memories. From the ever arising need of elitism in secondary 2 to outings. Its been quite a blast for the past year. We have turned a big one this year. Our formation was by the winds of fate. We have grown so much from the experience(except iggy whos still 1.6 haha pendek). Through the journey we've learnt about managing ties with others and controlling our emotions.

Among the many happy times, we obviously had conflicts. Feelings of unjust happens among our peers. We had anonymous(not so now) flamming and even opressing hate from the class. Yet i believe this hate was born jealousy. It only proves further of our presence we had in our class. We fight for what we believed in and are still standing proudly to this day without being dettered. I feel proud to be apart of this notion of growth(and again in doesnt include pimples or height)Have we reflected enough about our previous year? Hais, for heaven's sake, we aint mirrors!(Science 101:black is the absence of light as all light is absored into the object,sorry jas)

So how will we fair in this future of uncertainties? Will seperations of classes be our end? I believe not. Bonds shared doesnt only have to be physical but also in our hearts(ionic bonding?). I believe some of us have come up with new resolutions for powerhouse(like khairul actually finally excelling in his work doing better than even the ex third in class and the person who hardly made a presence). Will it work? Its all in our determination.

Anyway the ph reunion cum anniversary will be during the march hols. I really hope that this time it won't be just merely half the Powerhouse going. We could finish off the day by going to sakae? Haha aint that great? We might be going for a movie after that finishing the day with an eating competition at sakura buffet! So hope this gets underway and we'll really enjoy ourselves!

Saturday, February 7, 2009.
We own, we rock, we're Powerhouse♥ 8:14 PM.

Ahh...the last post was our 50th. Fast isn't it? Well, i hope you guys are enjoying sec 3 life. You should be because it's already the end of week 5 and everyone has gotten used to our new classmates and teachers. Well, 11/2 is a special day for us because it is Powerhouse's proposed birthday! No time to celebrate it on weekday though, so the celebration might be put off till march hols.

I was reading our older posts and realised how much we have been through. As i read the posts, a smile naturally appeared on me. I was so happy that i could almost relieve those times because of our narrative like posting! Yeah, so i'm very happy to be with friends such as the Powerhouse-ers because they bring a smile to my face. Although sec 3 life has been quite hectic, we'll make it and we're gonna have much fun during the holidays! Jiayou to all of you guys!